Events at Westoak Hanoverian Stud 2024
Date | Event |
2025 |
We will not be holding open days in 2025, due to our busy showing season. You are welcome to visit the stud please call us to book a time. 07958955196
Date | Event |
2025 |
We will not be holding open days in 2025, due to our busy showing season. You are welcome to visit the stud please call us to book a time. 07958955196
Member 2024
Westoak Hanoverian Stud
Spital Farm,
NE49 9LY
Tel: 01434321118
Mobile: 07958955196
Please phone to arrange a visit. 07958955196
June Hazel of Westoak born, by Hochadel out of Jamie our Jazz mare.
Lotus of Westoak out to Cumberland show.
Harriet of Westoak out to Penrith showing.
May Linda of Westoak born by L'Espoir.
Waiting for this years foals, due in May and June. Stallions used Hochadel, L'espoir and Faustinus.
Megan completed her level 2 apprenticeship and starts her level 3.
October foals being weaned and travelling their new homes.
All foals safely on the ground. All fillies this time.
Wish of Westoak By Woiwode out of Tiger lily. (Totilas)
Heidi of Westoak by Hochadel out of St Pr St Belinka K. (Belissimo M).
Harriet of Westoak By Hochadel out of Dauphin's Diamond. Dauphin).
Lotus of Westoak by L'Espoir out of Sirtaki. (Sir Fidergold).
Donna Dior JM By Don Ricoss out of San Fleurina (Sandro Bedo)
Cumberland show
St Pr St Belinka K second and Heidi of Westoak win, the broodmare and foal classes.
Penrith Show
After winning the inhand foal class Heidi of Westoak went on to win the Championship of the horse breeding with a silver cup.
Zodiac of Westoak Gold at the Futurity, for dressage with 8.75 for her trot.
Apollo of Westoak born 11th May 2021. Chestnut colt by A Portobello Artist Z out of an Ask mare.
Zodiac of Westoak chestnut filly born 02.04.2021 by Zumanji Decor out of a Damon Hill mare.
Faberge of Westoak backed and ridden away April 2021.
Lionel of Westoak born 28.04.2020 bay colt by L'Espoir out of Red Girl (Rotspon).
Fernando of Westoak, bay colt, by Flammengold out of Ricki Roxanne our Ritter Remus mare.
Hercules of Westoak by Hochedal out of Tigerlily our Totilas mare.
Fusilier of Westoak, bay colt, by Florin of Westoak out of Woodlander Desire our Dimaggio mare.
2019 Showing season
Faberge of Westoak has been out competing on the county show circuit.
Showing season
We have concentrated on county shows and BE youngstock classes this year. Due to the extreme heat and some later born foals, the stud chose not to compete in the early Futurity. Our mares and foals were placed at Bramham and Northumberland, Wins at Skelton and Cumberland shows. With sashes,silver cups and prize money.
Our sold horses have been qualifying for area festivals, BD and adding to their points all summer. Lovely to hear how these horses are maturing and are a credit to their riders and owners.
2017 Showing season sees Prada qualifiying for the Area Festival at Alnwick Ford. She competed and won her class at Sheepgate Equestrian dressage championships. Cleopatra of Westoak wins two 110cm showjumping classes.
Fortissimo of Westoak wins his foal class at Penrith show and goes on to stand reserve champion, his dam Lima won the broodmare class.
3 foals and a yearling travelled to the Futurity bringing home two higher firsts and two firsts.
BHHS Annual show My Booze cruise wins her class and Clarissa of Westoak comes second in the yearling class.
2016 Showing season; Cleopatra of Westoak wins a 105 cm class first time at this level.
Mabel of Westoak competes at Novice Silver claiming second place.
Westoak Midsommer out at the Regionals. Friday Knight of Westoak and Louise at Bramham, both placed in the first four.
Cleopatra of Westoak has qualified for scope in two classes.
The 2015 showing season started well with Crystal of Westoak 6th in the Bramham young horse class.
Westoak had a very busy showing season in 2015. Competing at the Futurity, BHHS regional and Annual shows and our foals were out on the county show circuit too.
We graded a mare with the BHHS and achieved the coverted 1A with her too.
Find out the latest news at Westoak Hanoverian Stud.
Foals born throughout lockdown.
Lionel of Westoak
By L'Espoir out of Red Girl (Rotspon) Bay colt 28.4.2020 Dressage
Hercules of Westoak By Hochadel out of Tigerlily (Totilas) Chestnut, colt.
26.6.2020 Dressage
Fernando of Westoak
By Flammengold out of Ricky Roxane (Ritter Remus)
Bay, colt.
29.06.2020. Eventer.
Fusilier of Westoak
By Florin of Westoak out of Woodlander Desire (Del Amitiri)
Bay, colt.
April 2019
Francis of Westoak born, by Flammengold out of Dauphin's Diamond.
September 2018
Stallion grading WBS_uk Florin of Westoak, shown by Molly, achieve Stallion licensed status.
BHHS Annual show My Booze Cruise, with Kerry, wins the part bred class for the third year in a row. Clarissa of Westoak with Amie wins the two yearold class and Annabelle of Westoak is the top yearling filly and top Rhineland yearling. Ricky Roxane 5th and her foal Faberge of Westoak 2nd at Osberton horse trials.
August 2018
BHHS Hanoverian day Funkey Monkey scores an Elite Premium. Donner Rosa graded with 7.8.
February 2018
Silk our new mare by Spoercken arrives in foal to Valverde.
January 2018
Enia our new broodmare by Epernay arrives in foal to Flammengold.
December 2017
Florence of Westoak and Sorayah of Westoak travel to their new homes.
November 2017
Annabelle of Westoak placed at the National foal show. Fiona of Westoak and Fortissimo of Westoak travel to their new homes.
October 2017
Foals start to travel to their new homes. Annabelle of Westoak is first.
September 2017
BHHS Annual show My Booze Cruise wins her class and Clarissa of Westoak is second in the yearling class.
August 2017
Hanoverian day, all foals qualify for the BHHS Annual show and Sorayah of Westoak and Florence of Westoak score Elite. Three mares are graded with Welegance scoring a huge 8.25.
Futurity at Richmond sees Annabelle of Westoak top foal of the day. Two Higher first and two Firsts.
Classic Prada out competing BD.
July 2017
Fortissimo of Westoak wins best foal at Penrith show and goes on to be reserve champion. His dam Lima won the best mare class too. Forte's first show.
Continental of Westoak has two second places showjumping at our local show.
Carsten of Westoak wins BE100 at Stafford with Piggy French, on his dressage score of 22.3.
Classic Prada competes at the dessage area festival at Alnwick Ford.
June 2017
Florence of Westoak, grey filly foal, born 12th June 2017. By Flammengold, out of our Corrado I mare Charis.
May 2017
Annabelle of Westoak, filly foal born 14th May 2017. By Adagio II out of Welegance, our Broadstone West Country mare.
Soraya of Westoak filly foal born 5th May 2017, by Woodlander Summertime Blues, out of our Rotspon mare Red Girl.
Area Festical at Alnwick Ford, Classic Prada and Jazz 7th place.
Sheepgate equestrian dressage championships Classic Prada and Jazz win their class.
April 2017
Fortissimo of Westoak colt foal born 7th April, by Flammengold out of Lima our Lauro mare.
March 2017
Cleopatra of Westoak wins 110cm class showjumping.
Prada qualifies for the Dressage regional championships.
December 2016
Eureka of Westoak and Danielle Rhodes competing BD and get a write up in the Horse and Hound.
November 2016
Classic Prada competes at British dressage and Cleopatra of Westoak competing British Showjumping.
August 2016
Clarissa of Westoak wins the BHHS regional foal show.
Foals attend the Futurity.Clarissa of Westoak 9.08 Elite, Friday Knight of Westoak 8.8 Higher First Premium, Foxtrot of Westoak 8.4, First Premium. Florestine of Westoak 8.3, First Premium. Florin of Westoak 8.2, First Premium.
Friday Knight of Westoak wins a Silver salver at Ashbourne show and his dam Louise wins the mare silverware too. Calypso of Westoak shown by his owner Amie wins the two year old trophy. Eureka of Westoak goes from strength to strength and wins a Novice with 71%. Lauren grades Cvenus of Westoak at Fosshey BHHS show with 7.4 MPT is her next step.
July 2016
Mabel of Westoak second in a Novice Silver class. Cleopatra of Westoak wins her first 105cm class. Westoak Midsommer competes at thre Regionals.
Futurity entries completed. BHHS Regional foal show entries competed.
May 2016
Cleopatra of Westoak qualifies for scope.
Midsommer of Westoak qualifies for the area festival.
Clarissa of Westoak born by Classic Juan out of Fareeda. Bay filly.
Foxtrot of Westoak born by Flammengold out of Purdy. Black filly.
April 2016
Carmen of Westoak goes to dressage rider Emma.
Florin of Westoak born, by Flammengold out of Deva.
Florestine of Westoak born, by Flammengold out of Elite Boheme. Black filly.
March 2016
Friday Knight of Westoak is born on Good Friday, by Flammengold out of Louise. Dark Bay colt.
Firefly of Westoak moves to her new home.
February 2016
Peaches our loan pony returns home, she kept our orphan foal company all last summer.
January 2016
Carsten of Westoak wins an award at the British Breeders dinner for the best five year old British bred eventer.
December 2015
Falcon of Westoak travelled to his new home.
October 2015
Carsten of Westoak third in the five year old class at Osberton Horse Trials.
Gemma and Westoak Midsommer win two elementary classes and qualifiy for the regionals.
Crystal of Westoak shown at Osberton.
Firecracker of Westoak travelled to his new home.
September 2015
Carmen of Westoak second at the BHHS Annual show with a 1A.
Carsten of Westoak has a string of BE rounds winning Brooksby BE100.
August 2015
BHHS regional show.
Summer open day.
Furturity at Arena UK and Southview, Firecracker Higher First Premium.
Falcon First Premium.
My Booze Cruise out in the ribbons at the Royal London.
Crystal out at Bramham 6th in the yougstock class.
July 2015
Falcon of Westoak foaled out of Westoak Solero, by Flammengold.
June 2015
Mares return from stud in foal for 2016.
May 2015
Fine Ally of Westoak born, by Flammengold out of Lima, a grey filly.
Firecracker of Westoak born, by Flammengold out of Demoiselle, a bay colt.
April 2015
Mare travel to stud.
Fantasy of Westoak sold to Alyesha.
January 2015
All foals weaned and most have travelled to their new homes.
August 2014
Regional foal show and Annual show qualifier held at Westoak.
Felicity of Westoak wins the foal show, we are delighted.
Westoak Willis and Katie gain high marks at the tail blazers competition.
July 2014
Ferguson of Westoak scores 8.84 at the Futurity.
Calypso of Westoak and Crystal travel to Arena UK and score highly with the vet. Crystal with a 9.25 for her paces and trot.
Calypso is sold to Janine.
June 2014
Frizzante of Westoak sold to Tina.
May 2014
Foals born at the stud.
April 2014
Bay filly foal by Classic Juan, born on Easter Sunday.
Westoak Willis wins novice competitions.
Westoak Mari wins two elementary's.
Westoak Midsommer starts his 2014 BD season.
Westoak Rmolly qualifies for the Nationals.
November 2013
Fangio of Westoak travels to his new home.
October 2013
Cleopatra of Westoak competes at Osberton and is the second highest three year old in the Futurity eventing competition. She is the highest placed mare in the three year old Futuirty for eventing in the country.
Flamenco of Westoak was weaned and then travelled to his new home with Molly and family.
Gordon of Westoak weaned and gelded.
Fangio of Westoak weaned.
Westoak Midsommer won two classes at the same dressage competition.
Westoak Barbie won her Novice dressage test.
Westoak Mari in the ribbons at her dressage test.
September 2013
Westoak Rmolly qualified for the winter regionals, at Novice music.
At the regional foal show a number of mares were graded and foals assessed and branded.
August 2013
What a busy month August has been.
Westoak Mabel out competing at her first two dressage competitions.
Cleopatra of Westoak is the top three year old eventer at the Keysoe Futurity, with 9.17 for her loose jumping.
Caramac of Westoak and Claude of Westoak travel to their new home with Laura.
Westoak Willis scores 72% at the nationals and stands 9th.
Caramac of Westoak and Fangio of Westoak take part in the Futurity at Arena UK. Both score 8.8 with the vet and Caramac gets a 9.1 for his suitability for dressage, very pleased indeed.
Flamenco, Gordon and Claude complete their Futurity tests.
Wilomena and Cleopatra of Westoak grade into the main studbook for the BHHS.
July 2013
Westoak Willis qualifies for the Nationals.
Westoak Magic out eventing.
More mares return home from stud in foal for 2014.
Grande Ferarri of Westoak sold.
June 2013
Mares returning from stud in foal for 2014.
Ferdy of Westoak travelled to his new home with Sophie today.
Classic Prada one of only 21 dressage 5 year olds to compete in the equine Bridge project at Solihull.
Flammengold black colt foal born 4th June 2013 out of Welcome.
Gordon of Westoak and Lima compete at Bramham horse trials.
May 2013
Classic Prada selected for The Bridge BEF Futurity Pathway assessment at Solihull.
Westoak Mari scores 71% part qualifying for the regionals.
Flamenco of Westoak is born by Flammengold out of Westoak Solero, bay colt foal.
Earl of Westoak sold to Georgie.
Westoak Barbie comes second in her first novice test with 67%. Westoak Mari was fourth at the same competition too.
April 2013
Cinderella of Westoak travels to her new home with Amie.
Colt foal by Classic Juan out of Dellivenezie (Don Bosco).
Westoak Elaine scores 63%.
Westoak Willis wins his prelim with 70%.
March 2013
Florida of Westoak travels to her new home near York.
The second foal of the year born, bay colt foal by Classic Juan out of our Don Primero mare Demoiselle.
February 2013
Westoak Rmolly qualifies for the regionals well done Tina.
Westoak Wakeeta travels to her new home at White House Stud.
By Woiwode out of Aventina (Archipel).
January 2013
31st January 2013 our first foal of the year is born, Gordon of Westoak, by Galant de Semilly out of our Lauro mare.
Willomena by Woiwode joins the stud.
December 2012
Flame of Westoak sold.
Monty of Westoak sold.
Foals being weaned ready for sale.
November 2012
Barbie of Westoak Sold to Mel.
October 2012
Our regional branding, grading and foal assessment occured.
Rmolly of Westoak qualifies for dressage to music.
Eli of Westoak at his first dressage competition, Midsommer of Westoak at his first dressage competition, Classic Prada at her first dressage competition, Elaine of Westoak at her first dressage competition, so a busy first competition month!!!
Flame of Westoak sold at weaning.
Magic of Westoak competing.
Welt Magic joins the stud